Friday, May 9, 2008

How did I get here?

I guess we never know what lies ahead for us in life.. But seriously, how did I get HERE???
I got a call from the girls' school asking me to sit on the school governance council, it is a council of 51% parents, teachers, administrators and a "community" person. They want a special ed parent to be on the council to make sure they are addressing the needs of ALL students.
So weird to reflect on this, I am a parent of special ed students. NEVER in my wildest dreams did I expect this role. I am not sure how it happened or why it happened, and if I am even very good at it. Sometimes (many times) it would be so easy to just quit and sit back and let things just 'happen' but these are my KIDS. Who else will stand up for them?
Here I go again, down a path I never thought I would take.......

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