Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Camryn has a FRIEND!!!

One of the things we have been working on with Camryn is helping her relate to her peers better. She has a WONDERFUL class full of kids that really, truly adore her, but I have always been afraid that if she wasn't able to add anything to the relationship that someday these kiddos would just give up on her and feel it was too 'hard' to be her friend.
Today, when I picked Camryn up early for her marathon therapy day I was shocked and amazed by my little gal once again. We were just getting to the bottom of the stairs and a little girl came around the corner (I did not recognize the girl and the girl did not say anything to Camryn). This was TOTALLY 100% spontanious peer conversation for Camryn!!!! Camryn said "BYE JAYLA" Hearing those words, the girl, now grinning from ear to ear approached Camryn and they quickly embraced in the cutest little bear hug ever :-) As they were hugging, Camryn said "see you tomorrow!!!" Then they turned and went their separate ways, as I stood there crying at the bottom of the stairway of Neeskara Elementary. It was awesome!!!!!


Unknown said...

how wonderful, Gma cried too.....

Unknown said...

How great, many other great things to come. Love Grandpa Fitz