Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Successful zoo trip-turning over the power!!

Chloe and I visited the zoo again today. After the last trip was a disaster, I thought I needed to go again and try something different. After all, we find ourselves at the zoo AT LEAST once a week in the summer.
So, I decided to give Chloe the power. Instead of pushing her around in the stroller, stopping at the exhibits and talking about the animals, I would leave the stroller in the car, throw away the zoo map and leave it up to Chloe!!
She did AMAZING, she initiated all of the conversation about the animals, stopped at many exhibits, went through the fish building (with minimal tension in her body) and really ENJOYED the visit.
She listens very well and doesn't stray too far, so I think this might just work this summer. Time to renew the zoo pass!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We were so excited to hear of the great trip to the zoo, wanted to take the girls when we babysat but guess what, no go since weather was sooo crappy...... MOM and DAD