When I talk about autism spectrum disorders my focus is on Camryn, I very rarely bring Chloe into the mix. Why? I guess it is because Camryn is in the middle of it and is getting the therapy and is older and therefor "more behind" if that makes any sense.
Chloe is a whole other can of worms. She does not have apraxia of speech and even though her speech was late in developing, it is in full force now. She is doing many things on her own that we had to teach to Camryn (like requesting items, greeting people etc)and that makes us very happy. She is also benefiting from Camryn being in therapy (because she will do or say ANYTHING if Camryn does it first, LOL) So when Camryn learns a new phrase or skill, Chloe picks it up right away too.
I have high hopes for both of my girls and am doing what I can and know to do to give them the best chance at success. I am not picking favorites or doing more for one than the other (sometimes it seems that way with all of the Camryn talk) just thankfully, right now Chloe is picking things up very rapidly.
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