Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What we are up to....

Sorry, I haven't posted in a while, I guess some of you are actually reading my blog and coming here to see what we are up to (Thanks JOY!!)

This is the last week of school. I am so sad, funny I used to cry on the FIRST day of school, now I am more likely to cry on the LAST day. The girls have done GREAT this year. Camryn is beginning to show a strength in reading (seriously, who would have thought that from a child who couldn't speak for years?) She also greatly improved in art and gym class. She continues to struggle with writing, although it is coming along, and math (I can't help her there, LOL) She will continue to have 4 1/2 to 5 hours of therapy per day during the summer to work on all of these skills and many more, it is nice that she loves her therapists and they really make learning fun for her. She is going to repeat first grade next year, since she is SO close to actually participating in the regular ed. classwork. Her teachers are great and I have no doubt she will do well next year.

Chloe went to school 1/2 days this year. She did well too. She got used to the routine of school and has learned so much. She knows her ABC's and can count to 12, knows her shapes and her colors. She can also spell her name!! She is beginning to make shapes and the start of letters (mostly the letter C) when writing. Next year she will attend school ALL DAY!!!! Her autism waiver slot should open up around the new year. Then we will REALLY be busy. She continues to amaze us everyday with her spontanious language development and her adorable personality. She is going to have a busy summer. We will begin potty training her on Monday. Yep, the first day she doesn't have school. No time like the present. She is totally ready, she just doesn't know it yet :-)

Andrew isn't going to know what to do this summer. He has to WORK!! With his new job, he will no longer have summers off. Total bummer. But the upside is he will get paid through the summer, no longer pinching pennies come August. This will be an adjustment for us all, as I really enjoy the help around the house. Hope the summer goes quick!!

I am still enjoying my part time job at The Children's Place. It is a great break from my "home life" and I get a great discount on the clothes. My Irish dance classes start up again tonight. This will be my first year performing at Milwaukee's Irish Fest. It should be a blast. I love the dances, the exercise and the drinks that follow :-) I have met a nice group of people.

That really about sums it up. Hope you all are doing well!!!!

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