Summer is offically over at the Rossa house. Both girls are IN SCHOOL all day today!! I sure have a quiet house. Camryn's first day was Tues. Sept. 2nd and she did amazing. Her sp. ed. teacher talked to me after school and commented on how hard Camryn must have worked over the summer. She said she was so happy, social and had such great eye contact throughout the day. Her reg. ed. teacher called me at the end of the day saying the same wonderful things.
Today is Chloe's first day of school. She went willingly and met her sub. EC teacher. Andrew said she was shy at first but then they started talking about everyone's pretty shoes and she perked right up! LOL At the drop off this morning Andrew said Camryn bolted out of the car and ran down the sidewalk saying "GOOD MORNING" to everyone who would give her the time of day!! She is filled with joy about seeing people at school! YEAH.
I hope to have a good report about Chloe's first day!!
Added on Sept. 4th
Chloe had a GREAT first day of school. She went potty in the toilet ALL DAY, even asked to go on her own!! She ate most of her lunch and was in great spirits when walking out of school with her teacher. Only thing she didn't like was the puppet show, LOL. YEAH, great first day. I am so proud of her!!
Great news, I hope Mom can relax a little now.
Glad to hear the Chloe had a great first day!
the girls look so grown up, the time sure does fly... So proud of them on their first week.... Now Mom can breathe.
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