Monday, July 7, 2008

Camryn ate a cupcake!!!

Camryn has never really liked creamy things, in fact they used to actually make her gag just looking at them. So we never really pushed these things just waiting for the day her sensory system lined up and was ready for the challenge. Well, the end of the school year brought around MANY b-day celebrations and the opportunity for her to try out some cupcakes!!!
Much to the teachers and our suprise, Camryn enjoyed liking the frosting off the cupcake!! When Andrew's b-day rolled around, all she was talking about was cupcakes when anyone would even mention a birthday.
So one day I took her to the grocery store and let her pick out some cupcakes, she picked out the ones with stars on them. We came home and she kept asking for one, it was dinner time, but we didn't care. We gave her a cupcake anyway and she really enjoyed licking the frosting. I was so amazed I took some pictures. LOL

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so fun watching her with her cupcake, makes me smile