IF YOU BUY ONE GIRL PJ'S---YOU MUST BUY THE OTHER GIRL MATCHING ONES!!!Recently the girls have been liking to wear similar or matching PJ's to bed. I think it all started with their coordinating 'princess pajamas', and it transformed into a must have around here. Camryn even has popcorn pajamas and Chloe found some pj's of hers that have clouds on them, but she calls them her popcorn pajamas- hey whatever works.
Well for Chloe's b-day, Gma and Gpa got her some cute Dora pj's, unfortunately when Chloe opened them, Camryn thought they were for her and stripped down ready to put them on. I thought, what the heck, Chloe won't mind, but she did, SHE wanted them on too. So we sat there with two naked girls and ONE pair of Dora pj's LOL
Finally Camryn got her other princess pj's that were close enough, WHEW, tragedy averted.....