Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Aerosmith vs. Bon Jovi
June was a great month for me!! I finally got to cross- AEROSMITH CONCERT- off of my bucket list. I have been wanting to see them for years, I just have this 'thing' for them and Steven Tyler. The concert was at alpine valley, I went with Andrew and my friend Chrissy. We had an amazing time, tail gating and sitting on the grassy hill. The opening band was 3 Doors Down, they were fantastic. Aerosmith was AMAZING!! The lights, music energy... GREAT. They sounded even better than any recording I have ever heard.

I saw Bon Jovi on the opening day of Summerfest!! I have never seen them in concert, boy I was sure missing out!! My sister in law Kellie and two of her friends came up from Chicago. We had a blast hanging out at summerfest (it was just sticky enough to make the beer taste REALLY good!) Opening night of Summerfest involves fireworks. They were a great backdrop to the second half of the concert. What a night!

I saw Bon Jovi on the opening day of Summerfest!! I have never seen them in concert, boy I was sure missing out!! My sister in law Kellie and two of her friends came up from Chicago. We had a blast hanging out at summerfest (it was just sticky enough to make the beer taste REALLY good!) Opening night of Summerfest involves fireworks. They were a great backdrop to the second half of the concert. What a night!

They Should Have Been In Bed...
The girls are really enjoying the later bedtime this summer. Friday (the day after I stayed up late and Andrew was gone) the girls had SO much energy. In order to let them wear themselves out I relented and let them jump on the bed.
The reason they are talking about going to the hospital in this video is because I kept saying 'be careful, I don't want to have to take you to the hospital'... Thanks Grandma Mahon ;-)
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hurrah Hurrah!
Here is a little video I took yesterday. The girls are loving flip-flops, purses and singing (in harmony). Here they are Marching around the cube and my dance bag (LOL) singing their current fave.... The Ants Go Marching... they mumble and make up the section about what the little one does, it is very entertaining.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I haven't had any blog worthy news in a while, boring life we lead. But last night I had a once in a lifetime experience. I MET DANNY GOKEY!!!
As I am assuming all of you know, he finished in third place on American Idol and is from Milwaukee. His wife passed away 4 weeks before the auditions and in her memory he has started Sophia's Heart Foundation.
Last night they had a fundraiser for the foundation and Danny greeted the guests, took pictures and talked about his life and his dreams for his future. It was a great time and did I mention, I MET DANNY GOKEY??? LOL
Monday, March 2, 2009
Baby Blue Bird Flies AGAIN!
Camryn had the pleasure of reprising her role in the play "How The Leopard Got It's Spots" at Neeskara's Black History Month Program. She did a great job once again. Although we really wish she would sing! She comes home on a daily basis reciting the dialogue and singing the songs (complete with movements) but when it comes time to perform on stage, she just doesn't do it.
The best part of the whole program was when Camryn walked on stage, her group of 2nd grade friends were sitting right behind us and all went "CAMRYN!" There was also some really nice 'oohs and awes' when Camryn was flying on stage. I really get a sense that the students and staff at Neeskara truly care about her.Monday, February 2, 2009
Ashes, Ashes, we all Fall Down!
I am a little delayed in writing this, but last week we had the pleasure of Grandma staying with us for a few days!! My Dad had some work to do in WI and he dropped my Mom off on his way up to Marshfiled. Grandma got 5 whole days of (what we like to call) The Chloe Show! That little child is always up to something and thrives on having everyone's attention. I honestly can't even recall all of the funny moments, but it was a trip and I am sure Grandma went home exhausted. Here are a few pics and some video of the dance party.

Friday, January 16, 2009
We may still be celebrating Christmas in June
The girls are still enjoying all things Christmas. Chloe is still asking us to 'draw a cwistmas tree' and 'draw snowman.' The girls are still rocking to the great music of Christmas as well. Frosty The Snowman is a family favorite, usually sung while swaying back and forth.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Photos By McKee
It is time for me to pimp out the photographer who took our amazing Christmas card photos. (He is Andy Mckee, husband to Camryn's senior therapist Marisa) I must say it was the most easy process to get such wonderful photos!! My children are very photogenic but not so cooperative when it comes to getting their pictures taken, so a photo STUDIO was not an option. Having Andy come and stalk us at the domes to get some great shots worked out great. Not only did the kids not even notice he was there for a LONG time, we also got pictures that are so natural and real. I couldn't be happier! Thanks Andy!
The hardest part of the whole ordeal was picking the pictures, we had SO MANY to choose from, I told Marisa "the past few years, I just picked the picture where no one was crying and THAT was the Christmas card" LOL

The hardest part of the whole ordeal was picking the pictures, we had SO MANY to choose from, I told Marisa "the past few years, I just picked the picture where no one was crying and THAT was the Christmas card" LOL
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The New (and improved) Little Miss Chloe!
Chloe had a VERY rocky start to her in-home therapy. She would scream and cry and didn't want to play with the therapists:-( But I am happy to say that after about 2 weeks, she flipped the switch (she is KNOWN for this, LOL) and now runs to the door, drags the therapists into her 'classroom' and giggles and smiles for 3 hours straight!!
After Christmas break, her teacher asked me "what did they do to Chloe?" "She is SOOO happy and follows instructions without complaining all day." I really don't know what happened, but I am glad that it did :-)Here is a short video of Chloe and Lauren (who really should just move in, she is here EVERY day, sometimes for 6 HOURS IN A ROW!!) during one of her giggle moments in 'therapy.'
If You're Happy and You Know It....
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